about the novel
Behind the windows of a house in North London exist domestic horrors performed by desperate human beings upon their chosen victim such as passersby could scarce imagine…

It's got what readers crave
ISBN: 978-1-63988-243-4
"Though the novel is often intense and graphically violent, DeStefano tempers his plot with Vijay’s worldview and atmospheric portrayals of India and England. And Vijay’s traumatic experiences transcend fiction and read like an authentic, contemporary depiction of the effects of the caste system and human trafficking."

"It's unusual to find a mystery so thoroughly laced with contemporary social issues,
but DeStefano creates a delicate dance through emotional territory that juxtaposes intrigue with thought-provoking social and psychological inspections and cross-connections that operate on a global scale."

"Lorenzo DeStefano’s HOUSE BOY is a painfully realistic page-turner that is both enthralling and horrifying. The book discusses a lot of existing social and environmental problems and never lets you forget them through the author’s haunting storytelling."

"DeStefano exposes, with empathy and striking prose, the slavery, assault, and general horror visited upon the poor not just in India but persisting in western cities just out of sight."

"A sharp look into a normally dark and hidden place.
Peels away the layers hiding slavery in plain sight in London today.
A great read."

"Chronicles with authority and excruciating verisimilitude a tragedy of truly grotesque proportions. Revelatory and compelling."

"An enthralling book about the persistent caste discrimination
and human slavery in India. Filled with anger against social issues,
a gut-wrenching read"

"Weaves an amazing story that discusses some tragic events that will astound you.
A perfect blend of mystery, drama, and emotions."

“Lorenzo DeStefano's ‘HOUSE BOY’ is a powerfully written saga portraying the horrible atrocities of human trafficking and exploitation of the subordinate class.
His writing is intense, painting a painful picture of those who are caught unwillingly in this horrible travesty of serf suffering. Merciless, cruel, yet brutally real.”

All image & text rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form except by newspaper, magazine and online reviewers who wish to quote brief passages
in connection with a review.
7107 Foxtree Cove, Austin, TX 78750
First Published Edition – Atmosphere Press 2022
Manufactured in the United States of America
Queries regarding reprint rights, serialization rights, foreign & translation rights, e-book rights, audio book rights, motion picture rights, dramatic rights, and any other permissions should be addressed to
Lorenzo DeStefano – info@houseboynovel.com
a novel by
Lorenzo DeStefano
Front Cover Art & Design by Andrew Rodriguez
Graphic Design by Alfred Lewis/Studio Nothing
Author Photo by Dina Pielaet